A Lady Saved From Gang Banging to living for Jesus Christ!

From Gang Banging to living for Jesus Christ
I went from gangbanging to representing the Kingdom of God!
•Smoking for 11 years of my life
•practically an alcoholic for 4 years
•deep in fornication
•only seeing myself marrying a woman
•riddled with anger management issues
•denying God for 4 years straight not his existence but his love, AND sooooo much more he brought me out of and I cannot see myself ever returning to that lifestyle!!
I’ve felt PAIN, GRIEF, DEPRESSION, SUICIDAL THOUGHTS from the young age of 10 years old! It was no one but the love and power of GOD that brought me OUT.
Photo Credit ; Inday Laurent
You can say you cant help who you are… but CHANGE is never impossible under God. His love wont allow it to be.
Matthew 19:26 “But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
Plus theres also some truth to that! Only God can help who we are! Because its God that knows WHO WE ARE, determines WHO WE ARE. But YOU have to ALLOW HIM TO HELP YOU!
Revelation 3:20 “Behold I stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come into him and eat with him and him with me”
This is your sign to let Jesus into your heart. Open the door! He wont force himself in and YOU’RE NEVER TOO FAR GONE!
Source- Inday Laurent