DOWNLOAD | Brand New By Christafari Ft. Henna Melody

Jamaican Reggae gospel crew Christafari release another new music video titled Brand New” (Out with the Old, In with the New) featuring Henna Melody.

Commenting about the new song, Brand New, Receiving and believing in Christ as Savior is just the beginning of the Christian life.  We are not called to simply be converts but also disciples, devoting our lives to following Him and being set apart for God.  Since God has made us holy in our union with Christ, we must work with the Holy Spirit to grow in that holiness, continually moving away from sin and towards Jesus Christ.  This sanctification is the heart of the Christian life for “As He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy’” (1 Peter 1:15-16).

Watch video & Download below



Web Developer, Web Desiner, Kingdom Blogger, Social Media Enthusiast, Music Lover Loved by God. #Jesuspikin

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