MUSICNaija Gospel Songs

DOWNLOAD | Dalilin Rayuwa | Tabitha Maighandi (Sameetee)

Tabitha Maighandi (Sameetee) offers up another beautiful song titled Dalilin Rayuwa” which means The Essence of life. Dalilin Rayuwa” is and expression of God’s own faithfulness and love -Tabitha says- knowing him first makes me realize He is the reason I live (Dalilin rayuwa) and by Bazan daina nemanka ba ( can’t stop searching for you) means the totally of my life depends on him. However, i can’t just have enough of him cos their is a lot to find in Christ. As David will often say ” I live to search after u everyday every night”.

Friends, believe me if u to think by accepting Jesus alone you will stop searching him because u bear the name Christian, you missed it all. Their is more to him but unless u search.
please make this song a call for, to search.


Stream, Download & Be Blessed


Web Developer, Web Desiner, Kingdom Blogger, Social Media Enthusiast, Music Lover Loved by God. #Jesuspikin

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