DOWNLOAD | Na So So Wonder | Victoria Orenze [Mp3+Video]

Victoria Orenze offer this song ‘Na so so wonder’ and is a present continuous declaration. The Lord brought this song to my heart about a month ago and immediately i knew He was trying to speak to me and all of us. See friends … in these times and the times ahead, God is set to do wonders that eyes have not seen, ears have not heard and that which has not even entered the heart of man yet.
God is set to show His wonders in our lives and our world like never before. God is set to make Himself known and His power felt tangibly all around the world.
Wonders will be everywhere like the air we breath. His worth will be felt and seen by all. We are not talking about man made wonders, but God made wonders.
He wants us to position ourselves to be used to display His wonders in our world. GOD IS WONDERFUL and everything about Him is full of Wonders.
And with the ongoing pandemic, we will be like them that dream. I am personally happy and ready for my Mind- Blowing JESUS. Are you ready for your mind to be blown?
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