MUSICSouth Africa

DOWNLOAD | Benjamin Dube | Ngiyakuthanda (Lyrics Video, Mp3)

Benjamin Dube is a South African gospel music minister & songwriter ministers and he offers new song titled “Ngiyakuthanda” which means “I Love You“.

Benjamin Dube  is also a multi-instrumentalist, and music producer from South Africa, and is regarded as one of his country’s most significant recording artists in gospel music.

Watch full Video via YouTube below!

Lyrics | Benjamin Dube Ngiyakuthanda

Ngiya kuthanda, moya oyingcwele (I love you, Holy Spirit)
Moya oyingcwele, moya oyingcwele (Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit)
Ngiya kuthanda, moya oyingcwele (I love you, Holy Spirit)
Moya oyingcwele, moya oyingcwele (Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit)

Siyakuthanda, moya oyingcwele (We love you, Holy Spirit)
Moya oyingcwele, moya oyingcwele (Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit)
Siyakuthanda, moya oyingcwele (We love you, Holy Spirit)
Moya oyingcwele, moya oyingcwele (Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit).


Web Developer, Web Desiner, Kingdom Blogger, Social Media Enthusiast, Music Lover Loved by God. #Jesuspikin

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