Naija Gospel Songs

DOWNLOAD | Desperate By Seawhite

US-Based singer Seawhite is the latest trending recording and performing Gospel artist. With her another singleDesperate hitting the international waves, most of her songs have aired on International radio stations…like Angels of Melody Radio Station (Michigan Detroit USA) and Gospel Train Radio Network (Florida).

Her ministry has been a huge blessing to many across the nations, just to mention a few. Her songs come with the presence and anointing of God’s Spirit that connects your heart and Soul to God in an unusual and dynamic way. She is joyfully married with a daughter.

This latest single DESPERATE by Seawhite is a must listen and it will bless you and deepen your relationship with God. Its lyrics will steer your hunger and desire to fellowship intimately and intensely with God.

This is a season where desperate worshipers will encounter a God that is desperate to bless them when they reach for Him DESPERATELY!

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Kingdom Blogger, Social Media Enthusiast, Music Lover, Digital Marketer & Online Publisher Loved by God. #Jesuspikin

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