DOWNLOAD Music | Morris Makafui | Blewu Blewu Ft. St TomDavid

Morris Makafui, a very creative gospel artist and songwriter has released his latest gospel song in this moment of societal discord, a song translated as ‘Gradually’.
With a very poetic beginning and appealing overall content, the song awakens our sense of trust in the process and the God who is bigger than our mistakes.
He asks;
What more could a world drowned in these discouraging waters of our day ask for?
What more could a season toss with so many boisterous storms, filling minds with, so strong the urge to quit?
What more could hearts and relationships wrecked with setbacks and oppositions; and the multitude of visions and hopes sunken in tears, ask … than something uplifting, elevating, even levitating for their broken spirits?
Something that defies the urge to quit! Something both the young and the old, in pursuit of their purpose, can identify with. A balm that soothes our pains, strengthens our knees and reverbs our minds with positivity as we press on for the goal set before us.
From the depths of his creative reserves, God’s anointed vessel, Minister Morris Makafui, has drawn out an answer; another heart-warming, Spirit-filled, and inspirational masterpiece to match an answer to the above quest. It’s a melody with a clash of Ghanaian and western vibes ready to be released, a mega blast in entity! He got St. TomDavid, God’s very own mouthpiece, featuring on this one.
Our lives have witnessed the greatness of YAHWEH MOST HIGH.
After we tasted of his amazing grace and giving honor to whom honor is due, we proclaimed EDZEBUBU. Seeing our hearts still overflowing with gratitude, we chanted AKPELOO.
It’s time to raise the bar with the attitude to begin walking on the waters, as we focus on Christ. It is time to climb the great altitudes of destiny, with our eyes fixed on our destination, one step at a time.
Stream & Download Mp3 below