AlbumsMUSICNaija Gospel Songs

DOWNLOAD | Let Us Shine | Edward Samuel [Album]

Edward Samuel is a Praise Worship leader, Song writer from Gombe State Northeastern Nigeria. Edward Samuel is known for his Reggae and R&b music.

The Album “Let Us Shine” is a wake up call to the Christian community to let our light shine wherever we are, no matter the situation surrounding you.

Download full Album below!
  1. DOWNLOAD MP3- Yabe Ka
  2. DOWNLOAD MP3 - Love Is Great
  3. DOWNLOAD MP3 - Duniyan Nan
  4. DOWNLOAD MP3 - Let Us Shine
  5. DOWNLOAD MP3 - Don Ka Sani
  6. DOWNLOAD MP3 - I Will Sing
  7. DOWNLOAD MP3 - Gaskiya
  8. DOWNLOAD MP3 - Your Grace
  9. DOWNLOAD MP3 - Kaunar Yesu
  10. DOWNLOAD MP3 - Yana Kira


Facebook@Edward Samuel

IG@Samuel Edward



Web Developer, Web Desiner, Kingdom Blogger, Social Media Enthusiast, Music Lover Loved by God. #Jesuspikin

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